Monday, 22 December 2014

With new figures suggesting that 46% of SMEs are set to grow next year, Axis for Business asks; is it going to be a bright 2015 for small businesses across the UK? The Lay of the Economic Landscape Axis for Business is an independent energy and telecoms provider that’s committed to providing quality service to small businesses across the UK. As such, we understand that SMEs need to expand in order to grow their business. In order to grow your firm, you need to understand the lay of the...

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

The results of a new survey have shown Axis for Business that one in five small business have faced ‘supply chain bullying’ in the last two years. A Symbiotic Relationship As an energy and telecoms supplier that strives to deliver value for money to small businesses in the UK, Axis for Business understands the symbiotic relationship many SMEs have with larger firms. For many small businesses, a significant portion of their revenue stream relies on the trade they receive from supplying...
If you want to throw a shindig your employees will talk about in hushed whispers for years to come without damaging your small business’ bottom line you’re in luck, as this week Axis Telecoms shows you how to save money on the office Christmas party. The Mandatory Office Christmas Party Bringing competitively priced energy and telecoms to small businesses all over the UK, Axis Telecoms knows that...

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

This week, Axis for Business discovered that UK Chancellor George Osborne used the yearly Autumn Statement to announce the initiation of a package of measures designed to aid SMEs. With One Stroke Because Axis for Business listens to what our customers say to ensure we supply cost effective energy and telecoms services to SMEs in the UK, we understand the role of government in facilitating growth. With the responsibility of safeguarding economic prosperity, with one stroke of the pen...
You need to strive to protect your flow of capital when you’re taking the first steps to building your own company, which is why this week Axis Telecoms asks; how do you save money when you’re starting a business? Letting Your Idea Shine Axis Telecoms is dedicated to ensuring small businesses throughout the UK receive value for money for their energy and telecoms services. As such, we understand that there are certain times when an SME decision maker needs to go the extra mile to ensure their...

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Last week, the government announced the start of the Do More Online Scheme, which Axis Telecoms believes can help your small business increase its customer base. Capitalise on Your Presence Online Because we are a telecoms and energy supplier who are passionate about providing effective customer service to small business all over the UK, Axis Telecoms is always looking for ways to help SMEs...