Wednesday, 17 September 2014

This week, Axis for Business helps you maximise your small company’s profit potential, by letting you know about five ways to provide better customer service.

Improving Your Customer Service Creates a Loyal Customer Base

Since 2001, Axis for Business has been the energy and telecoms provider who strives to ensure that we are able to bring competitively prices services to SME’s across the UK.  That is why we look to help you save money on your firm’s bottom line any way we can.

One of the best ways to do so is to improve the quality of your customer service. This is because when you provide first rate customer service, you make your customers feel valued. This sense of value creates a loyal customer base, who can be relied upon as a steady source of businesses, thus capital, for your small company.

Implement These Five Steps to Improve Your Customer Service

In Axis for Business’ experience, there are five easy steps that you can implement to improve the quality of your customer service…

1)      Initiate Customer Service Training Programmes: How can staff be expected to supply a high quality of customer service, if you don’t inform them what is expected? That is why initiating customer service training programmes for your employees is always good for your profit margins.

2)      Incentivise Your Employees: Give your employees a reason to want to go the extra mile to please your customers. The best way to do so, is to give them a reward to work for i.e. a cash bonus, a promotion etc. You’ll soon find that the promise of something for them will improve their customer service skills.

3)      Carry Out Research: Look at how your competitors are delivering customer service. Are they doing something you aren’t? If they are, you can learn from them and improve the standard of service you provide.

4)      Encourage Feedback:  Another way to improve your customer service, is to find out what the customers themselves think. Set up a page on your website, and ask customers to let you know what they think of the standard of your customer service. That way, you can identify where you need to make improvements.

5)      Promote Politeness in Your Office: Manners are the lynchpin of effective customer service, so you need to train your staff to be polite no matter the circumstance. The best way to do so, is to encourage politeness in the office. If they learn to be polite all the time, that will carry over to customers.

Always Look for Ways to Improve Customer Service

What Axis for Business wants you to take away from this, is that you can implement all the money saving techniques in the world, but if you are known for bad customer service, they’ll do nothing for your bottom line. That is why you should constantly be looking for ways to improve your business’ customer service.


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