Tuesday, 7 October 2014

A new survey has shown Axis for Business that small businesses almost unequivocally back the Small Business Bill currently making its way through Parliament.

Government Plays an Inherent Role in Helping Small Businesses Make a Profit

Through providing competitively priced energy and telecoms services to small businesses throughout the UK, Axis for Business strives to help SME’s save money on their bottom line.

As such, we inherently understand the role of government in doing so, as they can provide legal frameworks to promote a more lucrative economy for small businesses to trade in. That is why it comes as no surprise that SME’s are backing the new Small Business Bill currently making its way through Parliament.

95% of SME’s “Emphatically Back the Proposals.”

According to Growth Business, a Key Capital Partners poll of 100 UK SME’s has shown that they almost universally back the Small Business Bill. Specifically, 80% believe the bill will provide greater access to funding. Meanwhile, 95% stated that they “emphatically back the proposals.”

First introduced in June, the Bill is designed to provide SME’s with greater access to the finance they need to expand. It is specifically tailored to do this by building out the availability – in particular the sources – of investment for small businesses.

The Small Business Bill is a Step in the Right Direction

A partner at the firm who conducted the research, Peter Armitage, spoke out on its results and why the bill needs to go ahead. Armitage argued that “SMEs have often struggled with accessing the finance necessary to maximise growth, and up to this point they have received little in the way of assistance from the government.

“However, our results show that the measures in the Small Business Bill are a step in the right direction. With the government now standing firmly behind SMEs, growth continues to be talking point for many businesses.”

Helping Small Businesses Lift Their Bottom Lines

Armitage makes a valid point. The Bill is certainly a step in the right direction and its obvious why SME’s are backing it. It will provide greater access to funds small businesses need to expand, and lift their bottom lines. 

axis for business SME